StepStone Group - Mon, 03/27/2023 - 13:03

Building to Zero: Inflation Reduction Act, a platform for growth

In this episode of RPM, Bhavika Vyas, managing director and member of the Responsible Investing Team, as well as special guest Julio Friedmann, chief scientist at Carbon Direct, join co-host Maribel Yoo to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). They cover:

  • An overview of the IRA (00:32);
  • Scope and impact (06:51);
  • Transforming business models (10:14)
  • Considerations for investors (17:18); and
  • Future policies and regulation (26:15).
Read the transcript here. RPM is available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher—anywhere you normally get your podcasts. Subscribe today!

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