Macquarie Asset Management - Mon, 03/11/2024 - 19:56

Macquarie - To hold or to fold?

Multiple factors have created opportunities and challenges for bond investors, who need to balance risks and rewards. In Issue 01 of our Fixed Income Strategic Forum 2024, we address the key question facing investors in the current environment: To hold or to fold?

Should we “hold” the view of a recession in 2024? Many patterns and indicators still suggest this possibility. Or should we “fold” and accept “it’s different this time,” appreciating that tighter labour markets, ongoing use of fiscal policy, equity market performance, and central bank liquidity will continue to provide support?

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The views expressed represent the investment team’s assessment of the market environment as of the date indicated and should not be considered a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any security, and should not be relied on as research or investment advice.         
Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) is the asset management division of Macquarie Group. MAM is an integrated asset manager across public and private markets offering a diverse range of capabilities, including real assets, real estate, credit, equities and multi-asset solutions. The public markets business of MAM includes investment products and advisory services distributed and offered by and referred through affiliates which include Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust (MIMBT), Macquarie Funds Management Hong Kong Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, and Macquarie Investment Management Europe S.A.     
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[3435724] 3/2024


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