Macquarie Asset Management - Fri, 03/29/2024 - 17:09

Market Perspectives - Global real estate: Approaching the turn Replay

With interest rates falling and global growth stabilising, opportunities are emerging in global real estate. Watch the replay to hear from Macquarie Asset Management’s panel of experts as they discuss the outlook and how investors should position their portfolios to take advantage of current market pricing.

  1. The macroeconomic backdrop is much improved. In our view, a higher cost of capital and the associated rise in capitalisation rates have created better entry points for investors, jobs growth remains remarkably healthy, and the medium-term supply outlook is tightening as construction pulls back.
  2. Expanding opportunity set. Residential, logistics and adjacent subsectors are preferred, due to their solid demand drivers and undersupply in many markets. Office is highly polarized with repositioning and selective repurposing opportunities emerging as pricing adjusts.
  3. Supportive themes. Digitalisation, demographics, deglobalisation, and decarbonisation are all lending powerful support to opportunities in real estate in different ways. 

Watch the Replay

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