Invesco - Wed, 12/01/2021 - 15:22

Q3 Outlook: Multi-sector positioning for the next phase of recovery

As policymakers chart their courses for dealing with inflation and pulling back on stimulus, how should investors address risk and position their fixed income portfolios? Find out how Invesco Fixed Income is assessing the macro factors driving global fixed income markets and allocating across broad asset classes and specific sectors in fixed income.

Explore our third-quarter outlook for:

Macro factors: The global economy continues to grow at above-trend rates and we expect the current bout of inflation to be transitory. Global central banks have conveyed that they will remain easy much further into the recovery than they have in the past.

Risk positioning: We maintain a neutral risk position. Solid economic growth and very easy monetary policy are supportive of risky assets, in our view, but tight valuations are a significant headwind.

Asset allocation: We maintain our underweight positions in global duration and the US dollar. We maintain a neutral position in global credit.

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